Thanks for the input folks.
I guess a little more background might set the stage a little better...
My neighbourhood is a little different than most.
Two hundred houses, close knit community within a big city.One road in , one road out. Middle class, not a "gated community"
In the hood, there is one small school with 32 of our children in it. They are all the kids of our friends and neighbours. Very close knit group who all bend over backwards to help each other. We know who the cops are and where they live. We know where the bucket heads live. We know where the paramedics live(this house for one).We also know where the elderly and immobile live.If you listen close you can hear the banjos start to play if a strange car drives past three times. I feel lucky to live here. (expect for the banjo music)
Most people have done some prep. Some extensive, some not. Everyone who will listen (and some that won't)

has been exposed to lectures and letters.
Most people will get through the first three days. Not comfortably maybe but certainly get through.
The comment on water is a wise one but i think i'm ok there. Rain forest area, water table about 3 feet below ground level, one month stored water at a gallon per day for my family of four, several ways to filter and purify water in case of a long term event. Not much in the way of swimming pools but about half the houses have rain barrels. Not included in that stored water is 7 4gallon Reliance containers specifically sized to be handed out. (One thought i had was to include a bottle of water in the goodie bag with instruction to bring it back empty and i will refill it.)
I'm loving the input but what sparked this whole train of thought of mine was when i repackaged and consolidated my supposed 72 hour kit, i was left with rubber maid bins full of expired rations, aquablox, bottles water of unknown vintage, light sticks,cheap ponchos, hanks and hanks of paracord, matches, a whole bin of cheap one cell flashlights,crappy space blankets,half used right in the rain notebooks and the like.
So i thought to myself, rather than just have bins of spare stuff i should package it as if they were mini kits for other folks. Then i started thinking what else i could add to fill out the kits without breaking the bank or what is left of my storage space.
So if my request and answers seem a little "gearcentric", that is where I'm coming from.
Again, loving the input,thanks!