>> I just thought I might be alienating some folks, or getting into interesting disscussions, but outside the sites focus.<<<br><br>Could be- I found it interesting, but it’s not up to me to define the limits of the site’s focus. On the other hand, it didn’t seem that discussing what those limits are and why should be outside the limits.<br><br>>>There is a sub discipline in Archaeology ( want a doctorate? invent a specialty) called experimental or replicative. These are the folks who literally duplicate lost skills, from Roman catapults to entire iron age villages.<<<br><br>I’m familiar with experimental archeology- mostly through the work of Mark Baker on the 18th century woods-rat, um, I mean frontiersperson. I have his tome within reach as I type this, we’ve even exchanged a few letters.<br><br>>>My experience has shown, that far from being inferior, these skills are often extremely sophisticated. I destroyed several imported flint nodules before fabricating one fair hand axe
If I was in a survival situation I could, and have started a friction fire or knapped a blade.<<<br><br>Agreed. We touched on this sort of thing slightly when discussing (real) flint-and-steel. I’ve done some blacksmithing, woodwork and leatherwork, attempting to reproduce old pieces and techniques, and it teaches you how much lost knowledge there is- some things we can approximate, others we can’t, and the originals are almost always superior for their intended use, within their context, often in subtle ways that we miss entirely. The skills of our forefathers continue to amaze me. <br><br>But I also agree that trying to reproduce these skills is not often the shortest path to survival for modern man in a modern world.<br><br>>>Unfortuneatly, many, not all instructors are selling a package that includes a philosophy or world view.<<<br><br>There’s a world view that defines the “scope” of this site and forum as well- that world view works on the implicit assumption that there’s going to be a civilization to get back to, and that the scope and duration of the circumstances we need to survive are both limited. I appreciate that focus, and don’t want to change it at all- it’s a large part of what makes this site unique and different (and in my view, more valuable)- but it can’t hurt to understand the distinction.<br>