
Finally had some time to check out your YouTube video with the braiding instructions. Thanks. I'll start working on it.

I have been looking at this thread primarily as a guideline on how to weave & braid paracord, so I can make it into thicker ropes, cords. That part I find very interesting.

However, I noticed that a focus of your work seems to be to use these braided cods and balls as a self-defense weapon. That may take some time and effort to perfect as a skill. I'd be careful about leaping to the conclusion that you've got a breakthrough. It's worth remembering that in all the martial arts approaches that use weapons, skills and techniques have developed and evolved over very long periods of time. There's nothing wrong with innovation ... nothing at all. But quite often there are pitfalls that are not obvious unless you try something out repeatedly over many different scenario's.

Let me give you one explanation of what I'm talking about. You apparently have in mind that you will flip one of these balls (with steel core), on a short piece of paracord, at your attacker. OK, if you manage to catch him in the face, then you have attained the initiative (at least for a short moment). But trained fighters will cover their faces with their hands, and they will do it very quickly. Otherwise they get punched. So in this case your ball wraps itself around your opponent's forearm. That's very bad for YOU. Why? Because his next move is to snag the paracord line, which can easily be done with a quick movement of his wrist. Then your opponent swivels his hips, and uses his own body weight to drag you off balance. Remember, you are attached at the other end of the line. If you let go of the paracord, then he now has possession of your weapon. And if you don't let go immediately, your own body is thrown off balance. Then your opponent steps forward, wraps the paracord line around YOUR head, steps around you to the rear (of your body) and chokes you with your own weapon. If you're fighting against somebody who knows what he's doing, he could perform these steps very quickly. Once you're in a serious choke, you're down for the count very quickly.

Practice, practice, practice. :-)

Pete #2

Edited by Pete (04/01/11 02:21 PM)