No evidence that I can find that the germ is in the germicide. Not that it can't happen: when I was a newly-minted nurse, hospitals used a quaternary ammonium salt disinfectant called zephiran for everything from environmental sanitation to skin prep for spinal taps; they had just stopped using pHisohex, concerned over phenol absorption side effects. Then the sales reps for a competing product started showing off bottles of zephiran with a mold culture thriving in it. Disinfectants strong enough to work on the meanest microbe yet gentle to the skin are rare. (On the other)hand soap and clean water wash everything away, and leave the skin intact. Physicians tend to rely on enormous quantities of irrigation with normal saline for the dirtiest wounds. Alcohol/chlorhexidine swabs are the CDC standard for IV stick prep, sodium hypochlorite (clorox) solution the standard for environmental cleaning. Consider eliminating the betadine & alcohol packets, and adding some mild soap and water purification gear. Saves space, multifunctional, longer shelf life, and eliminates the possibility that one is getting a false sense of security by using the chemicals.
Dance like you have never been hurt, work like no one is watching,love like you don't need the money.