Oh ... joy .... iodine pads contaminated with flesh eating bacteria. You use them on wounds that usually aren't infected to help prevent infections. Surprise!!

How the hell does that sort of thing happen? What ... did the town drunk, and local carrier of flesh-eating bacteria, just happen to fall in the tank? Seems someone would have noticed.

What next? Condoms with holes built in? Iodine tablets for nuclear accidents made with radioactive iodine?

I'll have to read up on the details and find out if stuff I stock is affected. It's not like I had anything better to do. My sock drawer will just have to go another day without reordering.

The good news is that Triad stockholders have made their money and won't be required to return any of it. Worse case those still holding the stock lose the purchase price. Bad news is suing the company won't likely get you much return on time and energy invested. Makes me wonder if free markets and less regulation are the way to go.