Replying to the comments so far.
Haertig, the kit was mainly designed for the bears and webelos based in part on their list of ten essentials. Luckily it was the same for the bears and webelos. With the addition of the wolves and tigers (their leader says they are “done” i.e. done with the book but doesn’t seem to understand it is still her responsibility to do other activities with them) I need to reevaluate what items they will carry based on THEIR essentials, which are different from the bears and webelos.
I wish there was room for a better candle but unfortunately space is at a premium in the kit. The magic candle was the best compromise for the kit given the confines of the space. As it is I am afraid the kit will be too large anyway and get left behind, which is why I want to make it mandatory to have it to go on any outdoors adventure with the den/pack.
Rich, I wish we had the sparklites in the kit but alas my meager budget didn’t allow for them. It is one of the upgrades I am going to suggest tho. And I think we will pass for now on the firecrackers in their kits lol.
Chaos the fauxtons are black (the only color that fit the budget unfortunately). I would have liked a brighter color though. I was wondering if I could suggest adding some strips of brightly colored tape to increase visibility if dropped.
Les, there might be room for more duct tape, which the kids can do on their own, but there’s no room left for the additional medical supplies I am afraid (tho I will certainly try

). Would the betadine wipes be better than the alcohol prep pads?