Went to the store today and picked up a few items as you can see. I found small baking pans, measuring cups a Alum 32oz bottle, allsorts and cotton string.
Having issues finding reasonably sized things to boil water in for kits I went outside the box and found these awesome different sized Baking pans. The smallest is about 3x2x1 inch. Also I got stainless steel measuring cups which I realized can easily serve the purpose. Not to mention with the measuring cups I have a small range of sizes to figure which fits better into what kit. The biggest is 1cup the smallest 1/4th cup I figure making a bowl out of alum foil it wouldnt end up much bigger then 1cup and I do realize 1/4th a cup aint much but I wasnt much going for the smallest of the pack.
I picked up a alum bottle for storing dry foods like Oatmeal and rice and a back of allsorts for well eating =D!
Cotton string i mainly picked up for wicking in candles and oil lamps of sorts.
KK Got a pic of the marlin too now enjoy =D