Originally Posted By: Frisket
Since it has micro rifling i have heard you cannot wirebrush it or certain solvents.

If solvents will eat away the rifling inside the bore, that rifle has some really serious problems! I don't think I'd worry too much about that silly rumor.

Harsh solvents can sometimes damage the finish of certain rifles (mostly the ones where the receivers are painted, not blued). Note that the receiver of the Marlin 795 IS painted not blued, so try to keep your solvents confined to the bore and the insides of the receiver and components therein. Don't saturate the OUTSIDE of the receiver with solvent and go at it with a wire brush. But that's standard advice for any rifle. I've never heard of solvents damaging the bore. Unless you're using sulfuric acid or something.

FWIW, I use a Boresnake dropped in from the chamber end. And either Hoppes #9 or Breakfree CLP for cleaning. Followed up with a itsy-bitsy amount of RemOil down the bore (on the tail end of the Boresnake) if I used Hoppes #9. If I used the Breakfree CLP, it already has a protectant in it so I don't use the RemOil.