Not terribly likely but I'll play along.
I'm no longer in shape for significant acrobatics / heroics so I'll play it safe and use one of my cell phones (yes I carry two) to call/text/email for help.
If we further annoy the gods of probability so that neither cell phone is working then I'll have to settle in and try signaling for help with my flashlight.
I don't think I'd be stuck for much more than overnight because family/friends would quickly miss me and knowing I was last out skiing get some people looking for me.
For reference - I have "jumped" to solid, level ground from about 10' up when I was (much) younger and wouldn't want to try it at my current weight and age. I have also jumped into 5' of new snow from nearly 20' up when I was younger, no major damage but it was not a soft landing. Add in a slope and unknown terrain features and I'll probably focus on waiting it out while trying to signal for help.
You are never beaten until you admit it. - - General George S. Patton