Originally Posted By: ireckon
Yeah, it's out there, but let's just assume it's possible to get stranded. By the way, it has happened occasionally where a lift has gotten stuck and people are stranded for hours.

I've thought about the idea of climbing the cable to the closest tower, but I don't think that's as easy as it sounds. It would be freakin' scary as hell because it's way up there and everything metal would be slippery.

Yeah I've been stuck for half an hour or so, but at least there are tons of other suckers o the lift freezing their ass off too. laugh Oh and I forgot to say, after that, I keep a mylar space blanket in my pocket all the time. So if it happens again, I have something to keep the wind off me.

As far as climbing goes, use both your arm and legs like monkey does it, you won't even have to look down.

Originally Posted By: Russ
Also, climbing on steel cable is not like climbing a hemp rope. The occasional frayed wire will penetrate skin. Gloves will help from short ones, but they're not all short. BTDT

I've never ever seen a fray on lift cable. They are regularly inspected, with some sort of electromagnetic instrument even.