Anyone see Mythbusters?

You are not sliding down the cable, unless you have a giant carabiner that fits over the cable. Even if you have one, there is the stopping issue. And the other seats in the way. Clothing did not work. Paracord will melt through, friction is a bear. So that idea is shot down really quickly.

You really can't rappel with 550 cord. Regardless of the rated weight, your body will generate more than the line can hold - each knot reduces the line's ability to hold weight. Start swinging, you generate more weight. That and you can't hold onto it, yada yada yada.

I mean, really - have the number for the resort on you. Lift stops, call them on your cell phone. Or call 911.

I've been at several places at night. The better ones have some poor schlub go out there and stop people from getting on the lift after a certain time. The times are posted, heed them. He makes note of the lift chair number where/when he started, and when it comes around again he knows no one is on the lift (pretty sneak huh? Guess who got to be the poor schlub a time or two?)

If you get caught on a ski lift, absent mechanical problems, someone screwed up and you probably had a small part in the screw up also.