Yeah, it's out there, but let's just assume it's possible to get stranded. By the way, it has happened occasionally where a lift has gotten stuck and people are stranded for hours.

I've thought about the idea of climbing the cable to the closest tower, but I don't think that's as easy as it sounds. It would be freakin' scary as hell because it's way up there and everything metal would be slippery. It wouldn't be like doing pull-ups in a warm gym where I get to drop when I feel like it. I'd have to be flawless at a brand new activity that would be unlike anything I've ever done. Once I reach the tower, the ladder is not right there where the cable is. I'd have to perform a super human climbing maneuver to get over to the ladder, while cold and exhausted, and while everything metal is slippery.

Hmmm...One hundred feet of 550 paracord is about as light as my cell phone. I just don't know how to perform an emergency rappel.
If you're reading this, it's too late.