This is the kit I throw in the backpack. There's a whole cupboard of medical stuff at home, but it's not really a kit.
1. Medicine - 12 Ibuprofen pain meds (8x 400 mg, 4x 1000 mg), 6x Paracetamol pain meds (600 mg), 8 allergy meds, 12 diarrhoea meds, 8 iodine pills (water purification/sterilisation with 2 pills per litre), 4 pills for motion sickness, 6 pills medical carbon (for food poisoning, diarrhoea).
2. All medication is stored in plastic container (originally a bicycle repair kit container) with 3 metres of 1 cm wide duct tape wrapped around it.
3. Thermometer - small quicksilver type (not pictured).
4. Button napkins - Two button napkins. Small hard buttons that turn into synthetic absorbent wound dressings.
5. Alcohol hand sterilizer gel - A small bottle of hand sterilizer. It can also do double duty as fire starter.
6. Bandages - 2x 10 cm wide bandages (you’re meant to cut as wide a one as you need), plus another one already cut to typical sizes.
7. Wound sterilizing liquid - Small vial of sterilising liquid. Either directly on tools and skin prior to incision, or delude for use in wounds. I’ve been trying to figure out alternatives as this one reacts with some soaps, causing acrid smell (which can’t be healthy).
8. Soap - Small bar of soap. Just add water.
9. Wound dressings - Three small self-adhesive wound dressings (7,5 x 5 cm) and two 6 x 10 cm self-adhesive wound dressings, and one 10 x 10 cm self-adhesive wound dressing. Sterile.
10. 12 butterfly sutures - Sterile medium size butterfly sutures.
11. First field dressing - Past expiration date but the small coloured square indicates it’s still sterile.
12. Gauze dressing - Sterile package, 8 roll
13. Cotton wipes - 4 sterile cotton wipes (not in single-serving packages, so after using one the rest are clean but not sterile).
14. Sterile wound wipes - 4 single serving wipes, iodine based.
15. Skin tape - Two different types (wider, water resistant, narrower, more breathable) 2-3 metres each.
16. Mylar space blanket - Can be used to help patient warm up, but also as quick clean area for a patient to lie on, as rain cover and so on. This is the most seasonal item I have. I always carry some plastic sheeting, for above mentioned reasons, but if you get the really thin one they sell for covering furniture when painting, you can fit the same size sheet of plastic will fit into about half the space. That would leave enough room for for example DEET insect repellant, tick remover tool, anti-fungal foot powder, tube of temporary dental filler or extra meds. Depending on destination and season.
17. Lip balm (not pictured)
18. Tiger balm - A tiny tiny tin full of the ultimate pungent ointment. Useful as insect repellant, for insect bites, muscle aches, sore throat, keeping your nostrils open and eyes watering and if you believe the Chinese salesman, for everything else short of immortality.
19. Scalpel - A sterile disposable scalpel
20. Razor blade - Two edged razor blade.
21. Two needles (straight and curved) and thread - Hopefully not ever used for suturing, but it’s there if needed.
22. Tweezers - Good quality metal tweezers. Not that strong but enough for pulling most stringers, bits of gravel and wood splinters out from any wound.
23. Scissors - Simple stainless steel scissors. I’ve been meaning to sharpen one of the tips so you’d still have the safety scissor half as well as a sharp tip if you need one.
24. Safety pins - 10 in total, of a few different sizes.
25. Disposable lighter - For warmth (lighting candles/fires), quick illumination (checking pupils for example), sterilising tools and whatnot.
26. Light stick - A cheap light stick. The current models a white 8-12 hour variety. I used to carry one of those “super bright 30-minute white” sticks, figuring I’d need more light for the critical first half an hour, rather than barely adequate light for the night. That is until I first had to treat a bad cut in dark wood. By the time I got the wound cleaned enough to start suturing, the light stick was barely visible. You could always carry a headlamp or a flashlight, but that would be cheating, wouldn’t it.