Earthquake predictions are still far to unreliable to take such measures as bugging out prior to the event.

However, there are some patterns. I've noticed that epicenters tend to "walk" down the faultline, and after the Mexicali quake I knew that we would be getting a bunch. You can't release that much load from one section of the fault without it being taken up somewhere else.

1) Basic preparations, like having all tall funiture strapped to the wall and earthquake insurance. It ain't the quake that I really fear, it's getting squashed under 500 lbs of bookshelf and contents.

2) Have procedures in place (water, gas, electricity, structure checks after the shaking stop)

3) Now would be a really good time to keep a wrecking bar handy. Also, keep the car tanks and spare water topped off.

I have been through a bunch of 5+ pointers, and outside of falling shelves and ceiling lamps, I got through them unscathed.

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane