Originally Posted By: ireckon
The big issue for me is being prepared while away from home. For example, what do I do if the bridge I'm on collapses 100 yards in front of me? What do I do if I'm in an open field and there's a big quake?

There are so many scenarios that can happen away from home that are more likely to put me into a truly dire survival situation. I definitely can appreciate the effort of the original poster! smirk

In that case you have to rely on your EDC. For a while I put a lot of effort, perhaps too much effort, on trying to come up with an urban survival kit I could have on my person when the answer was in my EDC, not a "kit." Once I realized that EDC is the answer, the question of what I should EDC came to mind. That was quickly answered by a simple concept. Using a word processor, I listed all of my concerns in an urban environment and under each concern I listed items I can have on my person at all times that would address those concerns. Some items can address more than one concern so I have those items listed more than once, once under each respective concern. I've updated my EDC based on this list and later updated that list. I have the list saved on my computer so I can go over it when needed.

Jeanette Isabelle
I'm not sure whose twisted idea it was to put hundreds of adolescents in underfunded schools run by people whose dreams were crushed years ago, but I admire the sadism. -- Wednesday Adams, Wednesday