Originally Posted By: Eugene

One thing I have is my kids shot records. I read about those issues to people who left NO, school systems wanted proof of shots before allowing the kids to be registered, parents couldn't get it through to the administrators that they would have had to have all those same shots to be in the school they were in previously.

I would submit that in a Katrina like incident, having to get some extra immunizations is not really a huge problem. But, it is an example of where it might be a handy thing to have, assuming the authorities accept the records that you provide. My understanding is that some school districts even verify the immunizations. If there is no one they can verify them with, the records don't count. I have also read where some districts will not accept copies of immunization records as proof.

On the bright side, I have no kids so do not have to worry a whole lot about this particular problem, and I have no medical issues that might find these kind of records useful.

It seems to me I read about some kind of medical record service where they store your records in some kind of useful electronic form and give you a dog tag to wear so a medical provider can access those records. Don't know much about it, but it would seem like a useful thing. Far more useful and secure than paper records would be.
Warning - I am not an expert on anything having to do with this forum, but that won't stop me from saying what I think. smile
