I'd like to chip in a bit.

Since you mention having to travel around the county, then I'd strongly suggest adding maps to your EDC. Maps can be in paper form, but also electronic.

If you are already carring a phone I'd suggest adding some maps, even if they are only a scanned PDF or JPGs; proper "GPS" style mapping running on your phone is even better if you have a suitable phone. Even using Google Maps (online) or similar is probably OK, but these will only work if you have mobile coverage.

As well as the maps, you should get "all" the public transport timetables, including adjoining counties. You should add in a list of contact numbers and addresses for the various transport operators, local emergency services (police, fire etc), hospitals/doctors, roads department, Weather service. If you're visting affiliated offices as you travel, get numbers for these too. Get WEB addresses for the above services and the local media too (even if your phone cannot access the WEB, at least you have the information to hand). Often if there is some kind of incident you will be able to find out more information either by calling the companies, or checking their web sites.

Having this information won't help if you have a flat phone, or if you cannot charge the phone, but most "emergencies" are likely to be inconveniences rather than full scale disasters, so having this information will help you plan a route "home" if the transport breaks down, roads are closed or severe storms hit.
By setting up all this information in advance, its ready to go when you need it

And there are lots of other things you can add to your phone too: first aid manual, flashlight app, books for entertainment (if you are stuck somewhere), family photos, survival literature .... etc

Because most of us carry a phone all the time, and because most emergencies will be short duration I think that it makes an excellent repository and very easy carry in addition to the other gear already mentioned.

My wallet EDC: fresenl lense, mirror, matches, large safety pin, small cable tie, needle with thread; I also have a few tooth picks - nothing more annoying than having stuff stuck between your teeth ! All this is security guard and workplace friendly too!