Have fun with this!

To be sure we are on the same page semantically, consider reading the "ETS Acronyms" posting found as a "sticky thread" in the Around The Campfire forum.

I am a proponent of form follows function. So I suggest you consider the functions for your kit first.

I look to the proverbiual Rule of Threes:

You can die in 3 minutes without air, 3 hours without shelter, 3 days without water, and, some say, 3 months without human contact. So your kit wants to cover these categories.

The categories I am using now include: First Aid, Shelter, Fire, Water, Food, Navigation, Light, Signaling, Self-protection, Hygiene, and Morale.

Your budget will play a large role in how you address whatever categories you decide to use. Things that can play many different roles - multi-taskers - are often good choices [like a multi-tool]. You can use your search tool on this forum to find discussions of such things.

There have been several discussion threads in the "Urban Preparedness" ETS forum as well, so I suggest you consider searching there.

Good luck!