do remember the surviving #1 rule: DONT PANIC!<br>i see no reason to get paniced emidiatly out of a 1 to a milion chance somthing will happend. stay wher u r: stop, think, and only then act.<br>if u r generally fill threatened, i'd sudjest to priper after thinking, avalueting realistic threats, and defenision of needs.<br>first, get to the site and see about outdoors surviving kits and general info.<br>then, make your escape bagpack ready at home. all should be there for one person (or as meny as u r - each have it's own gear).<br>outdoors gear: sleepingbag or emergensy sleepingbag, escape blancket, one full water container (u can use empty coke bottels or a lickwipack cantin), raincoat, some close sealed in a plastic bag aginst water, seald ready - to - eat food and energy bars, a massive plastic or uhta sheet - about 3*3 meeters for shelter, about 15 meeters of string 0.4 mm, a map & campuss, water clearing tablets or eny other clearing mean, a lighter and some fire starters or seald waterproof maches or\and magnesiume fire pice, a swiss army knifewith a wood saw, a candel,led flashlight or a meglight or somthing alike, spar battaries, a hat.<br>first aid kit: some bandeges and plasters, one field dress, one scalptel blade, two medical triengels, pincett, iodine or somthing alike, some minor painkillers, some major painkillers (contact your doctor for those), bugs watterproof repplent, one elastic bandeg.<br>food: gloucose cristals, energy bars, dried food. keep some dried froots - dates etc'- and nuts in your house.<br>cooking: u can use open fire or use a commercial set - i sudjest Tarangia: aii is in it, works at any weather, and alchohol is easyer to get.<br><br>u can add a lot for this bag, depends how much u want to invest and how werry u r.<br><br>transport: i sudjest bike. if u feel you need a boat, get a cayack or a small zodiak with a leg pump. <br>in a city full - panic conditions, it is very likly someone would bomp u on the head and take it.... i do not think it's neccery - bike should do well with traffick jams and alternative routs.<br>refresh water once a month.<br>if u r werried of atom \ chimo \ bio:<br>- gas mask<br>- sealed cothing - buy the spicial ones or improove a full - sealed storm suite.<br>sealed surgers gloves.<br>seald shoes cover (as u use in deep snow or mud)<br>2*2 plastic sheet for cover ander in case of being uder direct chim matiriel.<br>- pads and drinking soda for clering infected skin spots.<br>go upwind! a car, bulding or anything alike gives u about 40 - 70% protection: the mask should do the rest.<br>bio: not my department, but i think the same + some wide - range antibiotics can do.<br>anyway, germs dont have long lifetime in fresh air, uv sun radiation during day time kills them, cold conditions are very limiting. stay away of containment point and go upwinds to an open aria.<br>atom: if it hits u - u dont nedd anything...<br>and again - i see no place for panic. i would sattel for an escap bag, gust for mental helth and stress realis: i see a very sleem chance using it.