Originally Posted By: NightHiker

I'm really hope I'm not underestimating how long they'll last, that's my emergency lighting plan for an entire winter. wink
I guess the point I was going for was that if you plan for a 3 or 4 day power outage you're gonna have trouble with one that lasts 7-10 days. If you're ready for a month of emergency lighting then a couple of nights are not even really much of an inconvenience.

I was was thinking that the quantities listed were easily enough for a year or more worth of hurricanes, winter storms, what-have-you. In those amounts two nights without power would be a good thing. A short run for testing and turnover.

On the other hand I'm always worried that people just casually looking at laying a little something in for a rainy day will see a huge list and get scared off. That seeing the mountain will keep them from climbing the hills. That they will see preparedness as an all-or-nothing exercise where you either spend lots of time and money or you do nothing at all.

Having more is often better, as long as you don't have to move it or neglect other issues, but a lot of good can come from people making sure that they have a flashlight, spare batteries, and a few candles. That $2 LED light I reviewed would be suitable. Mine are still kicking. A minimalist kit could get people on a shoestring budget through a couple of days without power if they are miserly and careful.

NightHiker, I think your lighting arrangements are exemplary for a single home, and entirely suitable for a group shelter. Well done.