My kit consists of:
A large ALICE style backpack (Green)

1st external pocket in plastic baggy:
-AA Maglight
-Plastic match case w/matches
-Snap light
-Military face paint
-Arkansas soft whetstone in leather pouch
-Silva Landmark
All of this is for quick access.

2nd external pocket:
-Large camo poncho

3rd external pocket:
-Military plastic Canteen

Inside main compartment:
-Large Maglight 3D style
-How to stay alive in the woods-new edition with rubber like cover.

Following are in large military fanny pack:
-100 feet of green paracord
-Large angle head military flashlight
-2 more green snaplights
In individual baggy:
-Esbit stove w/ a lot of extra fuel

In individual baggy:
-Bottle of Bactine
-Roll of Gauze
-Roll of Tape
-Bottle of various painkillers and vitamins
-Several Band-Aids and sterol pads
-Iodine bottle
In individual baggy:
-7 matchboxes some regular some waterproof
-Magnesium fire starter
In individual baggy:
-Repel 29 DEET bug spray
-Several bottles of Potable Aqua
-Wire saw
-10 or so safety pins
- Pocketknife
- Spare bulbs+Bateries for AA Mag.

-Roll of Military Snare wire
-Small bag of lint
-SAS Survival flipbook
-2 long burning candles in baggy
-How to stay alive in the woods-1962 edition in baggy
-Military Compass
-Standard fishing kit in pill bottle (20 yards of line, several small
Hooks, 2 large hooks, 3 feet of paracord, 5 safety pins…)

In addition to all this I have a Web belt w/ BK7, and several pouches that goes with the BOB.

This concludes my BOB; I feel that it may be insufficient in some areas such as signaling and 1st aid. I plan to soon get a Mini world radio to comlete that area.
I also have a Buck knife and a AG Russell Hunter in the bottom of the bags.
Any suggestions would be helpful.

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." - Frankin