If planning for long term power outages, remember that others will also be affected and are unlikely to be prepared.
It would be advisable to keep stocks of very cheap basic flashlights, batteries and candles that may be given away, sold or bartered to the less well prepared.
Many on these forums have upgraded to the latest and most sophisticated LED lights, no harm in that, but I would urge never discarding any flashlight that works. Someone might be glad of it in any extended outage.

I keep at least 20 basic 2D flashlights for this purpose, batteries and replacement lamps.
As well as the now standard 700ma lamps, I also keep some 150ma lamps for 2 cell flashlights. These give 100 hours light from a pair of alkaline D cells, and up to 30 hours from cheap zinc carbon cells.

I also keep ample stocks of home made lights that are so cheap as to be effectively disposable. They cost less than chemical lightsticks, and give more light for longer, and can be turned off, and no risk of fire as from a candle.