Thanks gang!

He`s got a full compliment of stuff in his school backpack but we definitely need to get him to carry some on his person or in his coat. the pack does him no good at recess or lunch. The wallet with info, small 1st aid kit, whistle and light are great ideas. I`m not sure about the whistle`s effectiveness but I`m an optomist. I`m still trying to convince him to wear a micro photon around his neck like me, but it`s too distracting for him.

As for the bullying, I`ve got an appoitment with the principal today, with a few of the other parents. The school is just too big, with too many kids on the field and not enough supervision. the big kids are preying on the little kids and it`s not right. We`re moving him to a smaller school at the end of the month and have already seen positive signs there.

Our family rule is simple: don`t throw the first punch, use your words first and then try to get away. If that doesn`t work, go ahead and fight back.
Mom & Adventurer

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