Excellent post Art, thanks.

Originally Posted By: Art_in_FL
The statistics are clear that pretty much everyone will spend some time in their life disabled. It isn't just the old. Young and healthy people break their legs, shatter their spines, and suffer from the effects of MS. We are a fragile species that live in a hazardous and random world.

In light of this, if I may add, disability survival 101 is learn how to graciously ask for and accept help. Helping other people is great, but when you're the one in need would you be too proud to accept it--or, furthermore, to ask for it? What about insisting on or begging for help if it is a matter of grave bodily importance? Humiliating? Yes. Survival skill? You bet.

Of course, ideally you'd know how to be so charming that everyone wants to help you anyway. blush It preserves more of your dignity and makes the process smoother on everyone involved.