Some people have it even worse. Sure, the Ice, snow and cold are a pain to get around in but what if you were stuck in a wheelchair or used a walker or crutches ... what then? is often couched in terms of independence, and what you can do for yourself. A noble enough concept. But focusing on yourself gets old and can lead to self pity and depression. Look around, find people who have it worse than you do, and help them. You will feel better about your situation, more connected to the community, and less in need to living in a bunker.
The statistics are clear that pretty much everyone will spend some time in their life disabled. It isn't just the old. Young and healthy people break their legs, shatter their spines, and suffer from the effects of MS. We are a fragile species that live in a hazardous and random world.
Looking out for others fosters a community spirit that increases the odds someone looks after you. At the very least if you help others you have no need to feel embarrassed about asking for help. You will have paid your dues. Besides, helping people feels good.
Get out there and help someone.