Okay, let's say I pick up an old
Apple Airport Extreme (wireless router capable of handling 50 connections) and attach it to an unused computer, remove any log-on permissions and call it "Pine Hills Emergency Information". Wipe the memory of the computer except for what's needed to run it along with several files labeled "emergency phone numbers", "water purification", "food safety", "latest news", etc... Fire it up when the next hurricane comes and run the whole thing off solar panels. Have I made something useful?
I'm thinking of using this as a way to quickly disseminate information through the neighborhood during a period when phone and internet connections aren't functioning, like when hurricane Ike hit us. It would not serve as a connection to the outside world.
When Ike hit we set up a walkie-talkie network throughout the neighborhood, making sure every household had a radio. This gave people a way to call for help in an emergency, but I'm looking to set something up that allows more information to be transferred to each household. I'm the main writer for the neighborhood newsletter so it would be easy for me to get the word out about this emergency network well before any emergency. Heck even afterwards I could send neighboring teenagers out to post signs about the network.
Ideally some sort of bbs would be set up so people could post and receive responses. Enough people in my neighborhood have emergency power sources so that even if a particular family didn't they would know someone within a few houses who did and could pass/receive information through them.