We do. The old corded network seems to be much more reliable, especially in a larger-scale emergency. I gave up my cell phone at the beginning of the summer and haven't looked back. I like not being beholden to everyone all the time. I once had a secretary call my cell, page me, call my cell, page me, etc... for three minutes straight. She needed to confirm some non-emergency info for my boss. I didn't respond because I was going to the bathroom. I don't need that. My husband is the manager of a retail store and is basically on call on the time so he has a cell phone. I do carry one that's not activated, to reach 911 when we're travelling, but that's about it.

As I said in another post, I do want something for emergencies when we're not at home. We took our Scouts group camping this weekend and although all the other adults had cell phones, as the Senior leader, I did feel less responsible for not having one.
Mom & Adventurer

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