Perhaps step outside the strictly "size" box:
If confined geographically, perhaps: citywide, countywide, watershed-wide, peninsula-wide, everyone downstream of, everyone downwind of, in the X canyon, etcetera.
If defined by infrastructure failure, perhaps: system-wide, everyone dependent for [resouce] from X utility, beyond X's capability to respond, etcetera.
By comparison to specifically defined governmental unit current census known to or identified for the target audience [city, county, state, country], perhaps: San Franciso level, Sacramento County level, California level, mainland United States level, etcetera.
By comparison to specifically defined historical experience numbers, perhaps: United States polio epidemic, Spanish flu pandemic of 19??, European Black Plague of ????, etcetera.
By referencing animal population threat status terms, perhaps: at-risk, endangered, extinction-level, etcetra.
Numerically, perhaps: literal one-in-ten decimation,
Grammatically, perhaps: "extremely" large event, use of the words like "beyond, exceeding," etcetera.