Originally Posted By: Glock-A-Roo
The thing that prompted me to post this question is an episode of "I Shouldn't Be Alive" I saw recently, in which a solo peakbagger gets badly injured in an avalanche and spends about 3 days crawling/limping his way out. After at least 2 days of no sleep, exhaustion and blood loss, he struggles to stay awake thinking he will die if he succumbs to sleep. He falls asleep anyway and wakes up the next morning under a pile of fresh snow, feeling surprisingly refreshed.

The guy was super fit, which is always a great asset, but still he was wearing minimal clothing in subfreezing weather while tired & injured.

We watched that too Glock. I was of the same mind - if he falls asleep, he's dead. It would have been like giving up. Not so much because of the cold, but because of his injuries. The snow no doubt insulated him but his will to live was probably the biggest factor in keeping him alive. That and he obviously needed his rest. It's a fine balance, I guess. I can't fathom how he possibly did what he did. I'm shocked that he made it. (Our family had a bit of a giggle about this forum, and a particular thread, when he crossed the streams.)

At the end, he said he went right back to the mountains again. I wonder if he keeps a psk in his pocket now, or wears better clothing when he's out there? I kept thinking, if only he had a lighter or a SAK or a....
Mom & Adventurer

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