Originally Posted By: dweste
STOP: stop, think, observe, plan.

So stop: calm, self-treat, hydrate, and feed yourself; think: through your stay or go options against the Rule of Threes; observe: your injury, how self-treatment is working, the supplies and gear on hand; obstacles to self-rescue versus risks of staying put; and plan: the most reasonable response to your situation.

GREAT answer dweste!! There's another thread right now talking about the importance of flexibility in survival and I think that's key, along with being prepared. There are a gazillion scenarios we could think through, but if you try to figure out a black and white plan for everything before hand, you're limiting yourself. Absolutely think about possible scenarios and responses but you won't know until you're actually in a situation, and even then it'll be fluid. Every decision you make will impact the next one.
Mom & Adventurer

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