First, accept that some will complain your scenario is not specific enough.

Second, consider approaching the challenge like how-too-eat-an-elephant: one bite at a time. This forum generally endorses respect for preparation and analysis consistent with versions of the Rule of Threes: you can die within three - minutes without air, hours without shelter, days without water, and weeks without food. Also generally recognized as enhancing survival is to STOP: stop, think, observe, plan.

So stop: calm, self-treat, hydrate, and feed yourself; think: through your stay or go options against the Rule of Threes; observe: your injury, how self-treatment is working, the supplies and gear on hand; obstacles to self-rescue versus risks of staying put; and plan: the most reasonable response to your situation.

Consider a combination strategy, like a limited relocation to a more survivable location to see if some recovery time makes self-rescue more reasonable, puts you in cell phone range, and also makes you easier to find by others who may be in the area as well as SAR.