Originally Posted By: IzzyJG99
I retracted everything I wrote. The above poster is right. It's not even worth talking about the obvious fact at hand.

I agree, as well. I have stated my opinion before and if I get all excited it will be bad for the old ticker, and, gee, it will just be a mess.

BTW, I have a background which does qualify me to criticize the subject - more than four decades of field archaeology, combined with caving, and climbing over that same period, 400 plus SAR operations varying in duration from five minutes to two weeks +(I was actually featured on ABC's national news broadcast back in 1981 during one of the more intricate of these), as well as a fair amount of boating, kayaking, and scuba diving. Oh, I almost forgot, military as well, including a tour of nine months in Korea (during which I mostly served coffee and cupcakes in the shape of the 1st Cav insignia to visiting brass -- what a joke). I am certainly not unique or unusual on this forum; there are many with very impressive credentials.

What does frustrate me is that during my active time in SAR, we had an active and successful program teaching the rudiments of outdoor safety to any willing group - it wasn't all field ops, and now we have this stuff spewing from the tube.

Actually, anyone with a brain is fully qualified to catch the many whoppers perpetrated by current TV programming.

Rant over. Time to calm down and take my meds....
Geezer in Chief