John, There is no HDS systems in the directory. Are they there with a distributor? We will try to find it but it's not clear what booth they would be in.
Today I received a lot more samples of some cool stuff. It was mostly because I am there as a buyer. These were not new products for this show.
Minimums for new dealers were very low, to the point of being nonexistent, which actually bothered me.
The shot show iPhone app was practically useless. I recommend ignoring it and just using the paper map. Maybe it will be better next year.
The free wifi was overwhelmed. I used the IPads 3G for most of my needs.
I heard an exhibitor at multifunction tools complain that he didn't bring enough cash. He also lamented that they did not bring cases of product because people were asking to buy it.. A surprising number of exhibitors are selling their more expensive products at steep discounts during the show, which reminds me somewhat of IAAPA.
Im leaving the show now, I was able to accomplish my goals and feel it was worth attending. The shot show is large but is smaller than say, Computex Taiwan. I hope that you've enjoyed the posts. I forgot my ipad memory card adapter, which is why there are no pictures. Perhaps next year I will do a better job, as I know what to expect.
You can't teach experience.