Besides the mentioned benefits of more decay resistant teeth AND bones being able to flex instead of fracture AND Osteoporosis treatment.....
'Optimal' Fl level when teeth are formed makes teeth more abrasion resistant through life. Topical (rinse/gel/toothpaste) Fl helps with abrasion resistance, too, but if you only use topical, how often do we use it?...... I can't stand at the sink all day.....
Topical use of Fl helps fight gum disease (periodontal disease)also.
As medicine for osteoporosis it must be taken systemically.....(HORRORS!), but studies are currently being done on the Fl generation (kids in the 1950s)to see if osteoporosis is reduced in elder years with Fl use in youth. Epidemiological studies take lots of time and numbers to be beyond distortion of conclusions.

Yes, the recommended level has been/is being reduced by the powers that be to 0.7 ppm. Some kids drink a LOT of water and frozen juice reconstituted with water etc, and others hardly any water, so dosage IS difficult by water supply. Note that the only 'damage' was small white spots on the teeth that the parents of 'perfect' children have trouble dealing with. On the brite side, more of the positive benefits are there until 2x rec dose some enamel damage does occur.

I think some of the quote might have gotten scrambled, but I have to agree that Fl in teeth has no benefit before eruption of those teeth.

I'll not bang this gong further. However I will say that xylitol gum/candy used regularly by persons of ALL ages CAN benefit with cavity/decay reduction. Europe HAS done a better job of using that to fight decay than the US has. I pat them on the back. I see both being FAR better than either/or.


PS:xylitol can be searched on the web.
Good solid science needs no apology.