Glad to hear you're OK! Glad that such prepared and civic minded folk as you are on hand to help out. There must be a bunch of folks there that feel that way to! Know that you make a difference by effort and example! Keep your spirits up the world needs more like you helping out as things become more unstable.


We are all paying the price of poor policies.

Which policies are those? The policy of destroying property, killing innocents, creating chaos and distruction adhered to by the terrorists? The policy of indifferent unfair competition verging on imperialism followed by the "first -world" countries in thier persuit of "fair trade"? The list goes on........ Is any of this new? At the bottom of it all is human avarice for power and resources. The ongoing competition for the top spot on the hill that starts in kindegarten and becomes ever more onerous as individuals attain greater influence and might.