after the last snow storm the sun came out in full force so we got on the snowshoes and headed out to the Mississippi backwater woods for a day of tromping around.
at break time i got out one of my Classic Camp Stoves,a 71 with it's own cook kit,and made a couple cups of hot cocoa.
i also brought along a foil bag that i used it my PFD ditch kit for several the cold i thought i would get a good idea of just how well it worked.
getting the bag out i could see there were major problems!
the aluminum coating was gone!
and when i tried to open the two blankets that are held together with tape to form the bag the entire thing went to bits!..all i can think of is that the small plastic sack the bag comes in had tiny holes in it that allowed the thin layer of aluminum to vaporize.i would say this is a one season item that can't stand up to the bashing around it got in my PFD over several years of hard use canoe tripping