
Also it has to be noted that eating at McDonnald's is fairly effective in a calories per dollar basis. But the big payoff is in time and effort. A single mother working two or three jobs six or seven days a week, shuttling kids to school and daycare, and catching sleep a few hours at a time whenever they can often have little time or energy to cook. Hitting the drive-through on the way home from picking the kids up from daycare is about as good as it gets.

What about those who are unemployed with unemployment insurance benefits (i.e. social security recipients with at least some minimal income with local currency), those who are unemployed without unemployment benefits (i.e. timed out social security recipients who have been referred to as bums, junkies and animals that don't deserve to be fed less they breed and not even counted on Government statistics as even being unemployed).

I'm a little confused how food stamps work, as they appear to be a system of (Local, Federal Government or charitable?) rationing out with the main stream economy yet there are tens of millions of folks reliant on this system (i.e. food survival). There appears to very little leeway (basically non existent even for those who are adept at planning a weekly diet rota) for folks on food stamps to put aside enough to cater for a general emergency.


Is the food stamp system the fall back for unemployed people whose unemployment benefits have run out. How does this affect any housing benefits so that folks can remain in their place of residence (i.e Shelter esp with one of the coldest winters forecast for a generation)?

The underlying economic problems haven't been resolved, in fact they are even more dire since the banking and financial sectors in the western world went bankrupt in 2008. The real economic fallout has yet to be paid in currency devaluation and government debt default with the consequent inflation of worldwide commodities because they are priced in the worlds reserve currency (i,e, the UN food price index is once again at its highest level due to speculative actions as just before the previous stock market crash of 2008), whilst many other countries are actively decoupling their economies from the worlds reserve currency (currency war) to the point that I suspect gun boat diplomacy is being actively pursued to maintain the free ride that the masters of the universe have gotten so used to.

I suspect it may be to late for those on limited fix incomes or those on poorly paid wages without any savings to put together enough cash for a 3-6 month food stockpile. For those that can afford to do so, I would recommend that they do so immediately or at least have a cash float available under the mattress to pay for a food stockpile when required.

Edited by Am_Fear_Liath_Mor (01/06/11 03:43 PM)