IMHO,The Mini-Bic is Over-Engineered as It is.It's light as a feather,So If you dropped it off a cliff,Chances are,It would Survive the Fall,Drop it into a Stream,It will Float,Wrap some Rubberbands/Innertube around it,& You'll have Grip/Tinder & Won't be as likely to drop it Either! Now...Put it into a Metal Case,The weight increases enough,to Actually do it some harm as It Will hit that much harder, when dropped,Drop it in a Stream,You can Kiss it Goodby,It likely won't Float,It probably won't fit into a Small PSK with a case on it,& Other than Looking Cool,Retro 50's/60's for lighting up a Smoke,that Fad,has fallen by the Wayside,These days!You could probably carry,2-3 more mini's in Lieu of the weight of The added case.If the case is 99.9% Magnesium,Then You might be onto Something,Otherwise,I would go with KISS,on this one!