Originally Posted By: Richlacal
That is some Good Info,Softly Spoken,layman speak,For those with No Orientation of Preps/Lacking the $$/Time!Since I am,Who I am,I'll say,It seems they Forgot to mention 1 Important Preparation- A Honey Bucket,lol!During Stressful Moments,that Need is The Greatest,A simple 5 gal.Bucket with 10 gal.Bags,& A good qty. of TP & Hoo-Ahhs or equivalent.Having made my way,Around this Globe & Squatting in Places,I don't Care to Squat,Ever Again,I Think it is Important!

While not always pleasant or comfortable most people can get along, or learn to get along, quite well without toilet facilities of any kind. Yes, there is always the cat hole and squat. But the Chinese go for a semi-standing high altitude precision bombing. Often with less than sterling accuracy. Bigger holes and a certain amount of scraping into the hole for near misses can make it work while still preserving the environment.