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#21399 - 11/16/03 07:38 AM Students have it good

I mean it, we do. I often see posts about "concealing" PAKs or other kits on your person, but for students, concealment isn't a problem. We aren't given a second look for carrying a backpack everywhere we go.
However, i must comment on the overall preparedness of students. For the opportunities we have to pack emergency "stuff" we sure don't take advantage of it.
Personally, in my pants i keep my keys and my wallet (a few 1st aid items in my wallet [Band-Aids, Triple-A ointment, etc).
Preparedness isn't a problem, however, because in the pack (which i love. . . maybe i'll start a post about how great swiss-army backpacks are. . .) I always have a 1st aid kit (VERY complete, thanks to theis site), CPR mask, xtra light, foldable or earbud headphones (an item, i might add, that SHOULD be in any urban survival kit but has been completely overlooked thus far on this site) batteries, Yaesu Vx-5R (radio), camera, and dozens of other Goodies. Best of all, these all fit into a compartment that i rarely open (the main compartment is used for books and the like) in public. (so im not constantly badgered about being a paranoid, neurotic, Y3K fanatacist [students do that])
Anyway, if ya want a specific listing of what this student carries, i'd be happy to oblige. however, my main point is, I can get away with being prepared without having to conceal anything. Don't you have any briefcases?
I can understand the whole "what if i lose the briefcase" scenario, but when something is used as often as I use my backpack, i start to feel downright naked without it. I haven't left the thing anywhere for several years.
Oh, if I'm not going to classes I still carry it with some food items in the main pocket so i can pretend I'm returning from a store or something. (beef Jerky and Fruit Roll-ups. . .)
Oh yeah, I also carry a Wave-minimag combo on my belt. (i get away with it cuz I'm the commando-pants and polo shirt type of guy.)
Any comments?

Edited by Thorr (11/16/03 07:40 AM)

#21400 - 11/16/03 12:31 PM Re: Students have it good

We've touched on the earbuds, in connection with various mini-radios, which I've been promoted here as essential in an Urban PSK. It helps a LOT to know which way the riot is going- this is from personal experience of trying to figure out exactly that, just by watching the news choppers overhead. Not fun.

When you say "swiss-army backpacks", do you mean the Victorinox/"Swiss Army" brand, or real Swiss military surplus? I have a Victorinox wheeled travel-pack, and it is very well designed and constructed, seems to be worth the premium price.

Briefcases have been pretty much passe in the business world since the 1980s. I don't even remember the last time I saw anyone I worked with carrying one, and when you do see some poor guy with a suit and a briefcase, everyone just assumes he's a salesman.

That being said, for the years off-and-on when I worked in the city, I carried a shoulder pouch on the subway (everybody carries something for the commute) so I was pretty well prepared then. The problem was that I did not carry it around during the day- meetings in the building and sometimes in other buildings, out to lunch, just walking around the office- unlike in the "campus" environment, that definitely would have been noticed. Nobody carries stuff around with them inside the buildings, so there were significant blocks of time when I was separated from the pouch, which was hammered home once when I got back from lunch and the building had been evacuated for a fire alarm- even my car keys were in there, I couldn't leave.

That's getting to be a problem in my current situation. Some items, like the led flashlight, ferrocerium sparker, and P38 can opener currently live in my leather key case. The problem is, what with that, all the keys, and the bulky car alarm remote, it's very awkward to have them in a pants pocket, so they tend to stay in my desk, or in a jacket pocket all day.. which means they may very well not be where I am if things get dicey fast.

Current worksite is RIGHT under a flight-path to a nearby airport- at times those big jets are wallowing in, low and slow, directly over the parking lot and building. Statistically, that's probably not even a measurable risk, but I can't look at one of those big guys without reflecting that, if it ever does cause a problem, there sure isn't going to be much warning.

In general, I don't think having enough gear at your desk is a big problem in the business world- it's the parts of the day when you are away from both your desk and your car that are a concern.

Good post.

#21401 - 11/16/03 12:31 PM Re: Students have it good
stargazer Offline

Registered: 03/05/02
Posts: 224
Loc: Idaho, USA
I wholeheartedly agree. All anyone needs to due is look around any college city and you’ll know the students by their attire “the backpack.” This is not always bad either. You never forget the backpack, so why not have preparedness (survival) items? You and maybe a handful of others, have items of preparedness with you, which is good. Most students though, are like the rest of society and are ill prepared at best, living under the belief that somebody else will be there first and take care of everything. It’s not my responsibility syndrome. The concealment in a backpack is almost unlimited, unless you have to walk through a screening area, which some campuses have. Most students I have seen are within arms reach of the backpack and some even sleep propped up against it. The only time I have seen a student without one is in the campus bookstore or other business, which tries to curtail theft by having one drop their backpack in a bin by the door. I always carry either a backpack, or a nylon briefcase with a shoulder strap. This way I have very little, including wallet, in my pockets. Please by all means post your lists. We always seem to like lists on the forum and you will get feedback too. I cannot see carrying a set of earbuds though. <img src="images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> I do carry a small thermal mug (coffee fiend) with my briefcase.

Beef Jerky and Fruit roll-ups, are you sure you don’t have a cup-o’-soup packet and some Ramen noodles in there as well? <img src="images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

#21402 - 11/16/03 12:53 PM Re: Students have it good

Thorr! Hows the after life?

Currently, I have the same problem that old people (26+ years of age) have, except I find my situation far more worse. You see, I am in my senority years, getting old and frail and such, soon I will also be in the afterlife. Anyway, in high school, you are simply Not allowed to have backpacks or the such in school unless you are entering or exiting. There is good reason for this, I guess. However, I find an interesting double standard in which girls are allowed to carry purses and stuff. Anyway, I do keep a few survival things in my pack, but not enough and I need to update, heck, I'll do it as soon as I get done here. So I do need to conceal, does anyone have any tips? I want to try hiding stuff in my shoes, or maybe onder my pantlegs, although that would be overly RAMBOesque, and would probably cause some trouble if I ever got caught. Well, I suppose there is always my traspper, I just thought of that. I guess there isn't to big of a problem in school, since any problems would be handled by the teachers. HEY! Don't give me those shocked glances, do you want your kids on their own at school? Even after all those hundreds of school tax dollars? What I meant was working in tandem with the teachers and such, providing resources and stuff like that. Not dependance. Wow, this raises a whole series of questions, maybe I should start another thread, eh?

#21403 - 11/16/03 03:01 PM Re: Students have it good

Not allowed backpacks? I am at college now, but at school we were allowed to carry any bags we liked. It certainly allows a lot of gear to be carried easily. I personally always keep a spare house key and a needle and thread under my innersole (unless going through metal detectors) and I also put money under there if i'm going out somewhere and antisipate the possibility of theft or loss of my wallet.

#21404 - 11/16/03 04:53 PM Re: Students have it good
WOFT Offline

Registered: 05/10/02
Posts: 391
Loc: Cape Town, South Africa

We also have the backpack rule. It's reallllly irritating that we are only allowed one type of "school backpack" that needs to replaced twice a year due to iys inferior quality <img src="images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />


I also put money under there if i'm going out somewhere and antisipate the possibility of theft or loss of my wallet.

In south africa, it's also not unheard of to have your shoes stolen if you are unlucky enough to mugged <img src="images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> - no jokes! I saw some EMS footage on TV showing a man take the shoes from poor guy who was unconscious after being hit by a car <img src="images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" />
'n Boer maak 'n plan

#21405 - 11/16/03 06:26 PM Re: Students have it good
Tjin Offline

Registered: 04/08/02
Posts: 1821
i carry speare cash in mine (money)belt, just in case. i don't have a problem with what kind of backpack we are allowed too carry. i don't put too much preparness stuff in to mine packpack, some days in the week mine backpack can weight over 10 KG ! <img src="images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> those books are to freaking heavy ! i have to squeze them in mine 25Liter backpack twice every week. On otherday it's lighter fortunaty.

#21406 - 11/16/03 06:47 PM Re: Students have it good

Yes, I have the book problem. A huge A4 folder, A4 pad, 200 page archaeology course book, chemistry folder, 2 chemistry course books, 3 english literature books, 2 history books and a lab coat. Not exactly ultralight.

#21407 - 11/16/03 07:44 PM Re: Students have it good
aardwolfe Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 08/22/01
Posts: 924
Loc: St. John's, Newfoundland
>>I cannot see carrying a set of earbuds though.

Well, come on - how else are you going to listen to the underground radio net in complete silence while roving patrols of Starving Unprepared Citizens (SUCs) are hunting high and low for us (and our carefully hoarded supplies) after the meltdown? <img src="images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" />
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."

#21408 - 11/16/03 09:59 PM Re: Students have it good

>>roving patrols of Starving Unprepared Citizens (SUCs) are hunting high and low for us (and our carefully hoarded supplies) after the meltdown?<<

And they call me paranoid. <img src="images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

You're ignoring the real threat, the human-alien hybrid mutants that use gravity waves to lull most of the population into sheeplike dependence to keep them from being interested in preparedness in the first place, so there will be fewer to resist when they take over the governments.

Speaking of such happy nonsense, has anyone read any decent new survival-theme fiction? The newest I've read is "The Rift", and while that was a great read, it was 3 years ago. Amazon doesn't seem to be aware of anything new in the "genre", if you can call it that. Seems like such a fertile field to be so ignored...

#21409 - 11/17/03 01:47 AM Re: Students have it good
stargazer Offline

Registered: 03/05/02
Posts: 224
Loc: Idaho, USA
<img src="images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> aardwolfe that quip about the Starving Unprepared Citizens was great. You made my whole day. <img src="images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> I do have one earphone for my AOR 8200B Wide Range Receiver, which does pick-up TV and FM broadcast in addition to HAM, Public Safety etc. I don't like to have both ears blocked. I cannot hear when I need to. When I am on ambulance duty then I carry my PSB radio. I use a custom made earphone, since I need to monitor dispatch when I am at a football game or other noisy environment. The combo earphone and low profile mic makes some people wonder if I am Secret Service or some such thing. Never mind the prominent star of life and other EMS gear. These people must be the future SUC’s you referred to.

#21410 - 11/17/03 05:00 AM Re: Students have it good

In reference to the Backpack:
I'm not certain exactly if it's "official" swiss army or not. I know it's not Victorinox (the shape around the red cross is a rounded square, not a shield). . . I thought there was another swiss army, and am not sure if it's "official" or not. It DOESN'T have a military-esque appearance.
The thing is incredibly well made, and has several handy pockets of the perfect sizes in the perfect places. It's made of ballistic fabric (dark blue) and has the swiss-army symbol (again, in a circular square, NOT a shield) plastered on several places of the pack. Being an EMT, I kinda like the whole red-cross appearance thing.
I understand the briefcase thing, but i must point out that my dad likes to "pad" his around with him (he's an accountant, and it shows [scratch that. . . he TEACHES accountants how to be accountants :-( . ])Regardless, i understand normal people not wanting to be associated with that type of person. :-) (I'm just kidding, please dont send me mean letters or hunt my family down if i insulted a loved one)
Earphones are infinitely handy for me for bus rides, computers in the library (the university library computers only have Jacks for headphones = no speakers), listening in on a friend's CD-player (I also keep a two-way headphone jack in the pack) and several other uses that ya can dream up yourselves. (also, if i get lost, i can use the headphone cord to make snares and catch squirrels to eat) (then again. . . If i got lost on campus and started barbequeing squirrels the dean would have a fit)
Might i suggest one of these devices they sell at Wally-World (Wal-mart, to those over 20) that kindof splits your keychain? Its kindof like two keychains that attach to each other, if that makes any sense. ya can put your main car key, house key, and maybe an office key on one side, and keep it in your pants. on the other side, you can keep the bulky car-remote, LED, mini-pocketknife, etc. Ya can detach them once you get to the office so the two or three keys you use most often can stay in your pocket unobtrusively, and you can still tote all of your keys when you need them.
just a few ideas...

#21411 - 11/17/03 07:13 AM Re: Students have it good
stargazer Offline

Registered: 03/05/02
Posts: 224
Loc: Idaho, USA
Your backpack sounds like it might be made by Wenger, the other SAK company. Of course, why didn't I think of the college computer labs. Though most students I have seen have the headphones as earbuds cords don't reach far enough. <img src="images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" />

#21412 - 11/17/03 03:00 PM Re: Students have it good

I'm at uni, so no problems with dress code or what we are allowed to carry back pack wise.

Personally I carry a 35litre pack, and have one side pocket dedicated to my PSK, small FAK, SAK (a Huntsman), Mini-Maglite, extra batteries, duct tape, spare hair band ( I have long hair), whistle and a lighter. My keys that have a Photon II on them are the only thing I keep in my pocket. (The pockets on womens clothes generally being smaller than on men's from what I can see. I couldn't keep half the stuff you guys carry in my pockets!)

The top pocket is dedicated as a 'handbag', i.e. I keep my wallet, tram pass/buspass, diary, phone, lipsalve etc. in.

The main pocket has my A-Z and all the paper, files and books I might need for the day.

The other pocket usually has my lunch/ bottle of water in.

#21413 - 11/17/03 03:13 PM Re: Students have it good

You're ignoring the real threat, the human-alien hybrid mutants that use gravity waves to lull most of the population into sheeplike dependence to keep them from being interested in preparedness in the first place, so there will be fewer to resist when they take over the governments

Prepare for the invasion now - get and wear your AFDB now! They can be worn as a fashion statement or under your normal head-gear but wear it or you will never know why you should have!

#21414 - 11/17/03 03:29 PM Re: Students have it good
Polak187 Offline

Registered: 05/23/02
Posts: 1403
Loc: Brooklyn, New York
All you need is this:

Pez kit.

Matt <img src="images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

#21415 - 11/17/03 03:58 PM Re: Students have it good

I'm disappointed- to "deflect" psychotronic waves (electromagnetic radiation) you really need to ground the beenie, and I see no mention here of the traditional trailing chain of paperclips that must touch the ground at all times...

And, there is a conspicuous lack of scientific studies as to whether the AFDB is at all effective against gravity waves.

Schwa, dudes. <img src="images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

#21416 - 11/17/03 06:33 PM Re: Students have it good
Tjin Offline

Registered: 04/08/02
Posts: 1821
a girl ! i didn't knew you where a female ! a 35 liter backpack is pretty big, i got a 25 liter one. the pant pocket size depends on the model, mine work pants have very shallow ones, mine other pants have BIG pockets, it al depends on the design. most girls wear tight pants, they can't really fit big pockets in them, can you ?

#21417 - 11/17/03 09:51 PM Re: Students have it good

Or you could just give up on the whole key chain thing and go fully modular. <img src="images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> I tried having a large keychain all the time, that didn't work. I tried those splittable things, but I could never decide on a pair of subsets of my keys to split into. They have 5 way etc ones, but they just look like an octopus with a few missing legs.

So, I started putting all the subsets of keys on separate spilt rings. Then I put them all on a key carabiner. I went through about 4-5 of the $1-$2 carabiners of various sizes and I think manufacturers (it's hard to tell on such cheap things) before I gave up. The only one that didn't break within 6 months was a thin brass one with a screw gate which I didn't like. I fidget with the gate a lot and the spring eventually dies. Finally I bought a Black Diamond real climbing carabiner and that's lasted about 14 months now. $5 seems to have ended the problem. It's a bit bulky, and I don't know the first thing about climbing but it works.

Of course, it's about twice the size of the non-climbing key-carabiners. So it's quite a large bulge in pants, but it's not a problem in winter with my shell jacket. That means I trim it down often, only taking what I need. When I need to look decent I have to leave the carabiner altogether and just take the truck key and it's RKE fob. Of course, that meant I couldn't carry the Micra or flashlight. I had to buy a Utili-key to clip onto the truck key. <img src="images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Such is the life of a gadget freak.

Anywho, everything is separated:
* truck key with Utili-key
* key and security fob for the wife's Jeep
* house keys
* work keys and ACE token
* whistle
* Micra
* Pelican Mini MightyLite

I guess it works better than my wife's system (she's a teacher so she has a lot of keys): keep everything separate, and spend inordinate amounts of time looking for whichever part of it she misplaced today.

#21418 - 11/18/03 10:19 AM Re: Students have it good

<img src="images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Guilty as charged!

The 35litres was because there was a time I was carrying a lever arch file as well as textbooks. I can fit lots of stuff in it as required. It also is a great size to go to the supermarket in (no flimsy plastic bags to split open) or to shove some clothes in and go away for the weekend. Its a Mary Poppins bag <img src="images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

The pocket problem (that being the lack of pockets) is why most women carry handbags. Even my suit jacket doesn't have pockets <img src="images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> (except one tiny breast pocket that you can't fit anything useful into)! I really don't get fashion sometimes.

#21419 - 11/19/03 02:37 PM Re: Students have it good
ki4buc Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 11/10/03
Posts: 710
Loc: Augusta, GA
Some acronyms I came up with after readding aardwolfe's post. Take 'em or leav 'em

Restless (because they want our stuff)

Oblivious and
Looking for


#21420 - 11/20/03 01:10 AM Re: Students have it good
Comanche7 Offline

Registered: 07/04/02
Posts: 436
Loc: Florida

Great acronyms, almost spilled coffee on the keyboard. <img src="images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

Great thinking!

Hmmm...dunno what my wife is going to think when she hears that I participate in DROPLETS though, online no less <img src="images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />


#21421 - 12/12/03 04:14 PM Re: Students have it good
bushtuckerman Offline
new member

Registered: 10/08/02
Posts: 29
Loc: Hampshire ENGLAND
Myself also a student I have to agree with you on the earphones point, and my rucksack is is the most important piece of everyday equipment I could have. It contains all the crap you get given from college work, and of course the important stuff (which I also keep in the infrequently used compartment): Inova X5, smalll size survival tin, Supertool 200, keys (with Photon and data storage device), batteries, Walkman, secondary torch (flashlight for the yanks) with a small knife, wax paper and matches attatched, etc...
I keep some of the other useful stuff in my trousers (pants - is this patronising?): Opinel folding knife, wallet, lighter, parachord, and so on.

-urban bushman

#21422 - 02/04/04 01:22 PM Re: Students have it good

Sorry for bringing up an old topic but as a student on this forum I feel I could not go without answering this post.
A 45l rucksack is my choice for college. You may wonder why I carry such a large rucksack. Well I run five times a week and therefore need to carry my sports gear to college. This goes in the bottom compartment.
In the top compartment goes my folder, books, 1l of water, lunch and a thermos flask of coffee for IT lessons (so I stay awake).
I got two side pockets. In the one goes normal boring college stuff such as heartbeat meter, calculator and pencil case. But in the other goes PSK, duct tape and pocket FAK.
I stopped carrying my Vic Champ to college I felt it just too much of a liability with city kids around who think every knife is a weapon.

Of course on the days that I don’t do sports I carry a much smaller bag but this hardly ever happens.

Reinhardt Woets

#21423 - 02/04/04 05:20 PM Re: Students have it good
bountyhunter Offline

Registered: 11/14/03
Posts: 1224
Loc: Milwaukee, WI USA

If the law, not the college allows you to carry the knife in the manner you do, carry it!

Teach those "city kids" the realities of what you have and why and do not succumb to a need to appease their wrong minded fears.

Good luck!


#21424 - 02/04/04 05:42 PM Re: Students have it good
Eugene Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 12/26/02
Posts: 2997
Very much agree. Education is the key.
My wife told me just jesterday about her teacher asking for nail clippers and no one had them. She needed them to cut a string hanging from her shirt. My wife quickly offered up her leatherman micra for the scissors. She has a nice new Squirt S4 on the way in the mail <img src="images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

#21425 - 02/08/04 10:19 AM Re: Students have it good

thanks for the tip. I have tried this approach but ignorance and lack of interest kept them away from gaining valuable knowledge.
Furthermore even though the pouch is covered by clothing I noticed that sometimes it gets under the jumper. Im not in favour of teachers seeing that I carry a knife-tool as this can create tense situations. Even less font of security seeing it - not sure what the rules are <img src="images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />

Nevertheless thanx for the advice,

#21426 - 02/08/04 07:00 PM Re: Students have it good


For those who have no other pockets, or can't carry b ackpacks with them

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