I've remained silent on this problem until now.
I like dogs that are well behaved and not aggressive. I've got a scar that looks like Florida, 27 stitches, from an aggressive dog. If your dog is aggressive and in my yard, I don't play. Said scar giver is now pushing up daisies, courtesy Mr. Ruger.
Where I live they have strict leash laws. I figure if you are stupid enough to not train your dog, or restrain it, you and your dog (unfortunate for the dog) suffer the consequences.
In the military I learned several ways to deal with dogs. Some work right now - as in padding an arm, letting the dog bite that arm, and using a pressure/leverage hold to break the dog's neck - to several methods that take time to work - poisoning without using an overt poison. Circumstances dictate which method I will use, but let it be said - I will deal with a dog that is destroying my property. Pooping doesn't count, let's be real here.
It's a sad commentary that the pet has to suffer for the owner's stupidity, but it is my right to protect myself and my property.