I learned a long time ago that appearances are eveything. Many of use carry a multi-tool or pocket knife of some kind. It's commonly viewed as a "tool" rather than a weapon, and most people are not alarmed by "tools". Of course, court rooms and airports are somewhat different.

If you exchange that Sebenza for a similar sized fixed blade sheath knife, you'll likely find a far larger portion of the population reacting negatively. There is absolutely NO practical difference in terms of the potential for misuse. However, most people perceive fixed bladed knives as "weapons" rather than tools.

This entire issue is built up on perception and belief rather than fact. It's entirely an emotional response.

This same issue -the unthinking and ignorant emotional response to an object's appearance - is behind many of our weapons laws. "assault rifles" are banned because they look 'evil', but Grand dad's deer rifle, which has twice the range, twice the power, and three times the accuracy is perfectly acceptable since it looks more like a legitimate "tool" than a "weapon".

Find usefull objects that look like tools instead of weapons, and you typically have no problems. Carry a decent, innocent-looking pocket knife and problems are nearly none existant. Leave the K-Bar, Lion Cub, or other 5 inch bladed "weapon" at home...
