Originally Posted By: hikermor
(I am clearly a victim of EAS*).

No your not.

So your PSK isn't really an SK at all, but components of your EDC. That is great under normal conditions, but I like to keep a PSK and a FAK in my bag just in case TSHTF- in an emergency, I might not have time to grab my pants, or I might lose them or items in my pockets. So if i grab my basic LBE or GHB/EDC bag, I've got my true PSK and my FAK, along with a MT and SAK (and C/UK if it is my LBE) as a redundancy to my on body EDC. Of course, if it is serious situation but not yet TEOTWAWKI, I'm reaching for 96HR BOB who also has some redundant items while my hunting LBE transitions in role (not actual equipment, just a shift in TOE) to a 24HR ditch kit so that if jumped by RMZH while in my BOL, even if I have BOB apart I can still grab my LBE and E&E and not be SOL.

Unfortunately, due to ongoing R&D, my BOB is almost never ready to roll, so I'll be humping a tote of stuff down to my SUV with an empty ruck and filling it if needed- I'm basically in REDCON3 if not bugging in. Which is a weakness in my SOP, but without the external funding to go to 2x BOBs it just won't work. Now, if I do go to a MetHaz posture similar to HURCON3, then yes, BOB is loaded and I will BO ASAP to BOL1 due to a lack of P&W at my normal location should there be a compromise to the distribution network, but even at that point I'm still bringing supplimental items including my big FAK, a tote with 180HRs of consumables (other than H20), a couple of 5gallon H20 containers, my PC and EHDDs so I don't have dataloss nor worry about INFOCON at BOL1 assuming that power is running.

Now, if there is an EMP event, I will of course have to abandon the SUV and move out on foot using BOB as my lifeline. I'm still looking for a good carting system that I can put the 180HR box, a water tote and some less ruckable shelter items and push/pull it with me. However, most such carts limit my E&E routes to main traffic points, and along with RMZHs, I'll expect NatGaurd, VSP and CSO checkpoints, where I may have to use manditory evac methods which would force me to AIP everything but my LBE and BOB, assuming I'm not considered a POI due to my C/UK and PDW and be detained. And the bulk does become a liability if there are bridges out, so I might have not only AIP the cart but have a means to quickly DIP to discourage RMZHs.

But if it is a true TEOTWAWKI situation, I think we'll all be SOL because TEOTWAWKI it is something beyond normal comprehension. We'll miss something despite all our FeildExes- my money is on GI tract infections combined with malnutrition and WBPs, although as PPE is expended or dies on the shelf, BBPs become a risk if the patients outlive the PPE. And it just costs too much to have a CBR protection plan that is anything more than smoke and mirrors for most people, so while a WMD might not be TEOTWAWKI it would leave those in the AO DOA and it could have long term effects outside of a localized area including DPs and the resulting social and logistic strains they bring.

You can plan and stock and train for decades and never be 100% ETS. Sooner or later, it will be worse than you planned or there will be a SNAFU, and you will be SOL. Or a series of events, coming under the collective heading of BOHICA, could do it.

(C/UK- combat/utility knife, the origional designation of the MkII 'Ka-BAR" utility knife RMZH - random mutant zombie hordes
MetThreat- metorological hazards, aka big storms
P&W- power and water
VSP- VT State Police
CSO- County Sherrif's Office
AIP- abandoned in place
POI- person of interest
DIP- destroy in place
WBP- waterborne pathogens
BBP- bloodborne pathogens
AO- area of operations
DPs- displaced persons)

So... do I win? *giggles* I hope the prize is tylenol or some other OTC pain killer, that gave me a headache.

Edited by ironraven (12/06/10 03:07 AM)
Edit Reason: missed one

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.