Dogs and cats think differently, from us and from each other.
As long as you're talking to a dog, she thinks everything is fine, even if you're saying, "SHUT UP OR I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"
Attention is #1, and dogs play it for all it's worth. Getting beaten with a steel pipe is better than being ignored.
Cats can go either way. Either there is absolutely no way to shut her up without permanently suffocating her, or she seems so stupid that she doesn't appear to have noticed that you've moved 2,000 miles and are in a new place.
The big difference with dogs and cats is when they've been lost and then found.
You get a call: "I think I found your dog." So you rush to check it out and it really is your dog. The dog is absolutely THRILLED to see you, and is practically doing backflips and turning himself inside out. There is no doubt to the finder that you actually belong to this dog.
You get a call: "I think I found your cat." Well, your cat is the plain brown/black shorthaired tabby type. It looks like your cat, but so did the last five your took home, the ones that went bananas when they met the dog. So is it your cat or not? Hmmmmm.....
Well, you certainly can't depend on the cat! The cat is glaring at your like you're a cat-eating zombie, and he's thinking, "Yes, it's me, you idiot! I'm just ignoring you. WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG TO FIND ME?"
So you take this cat home and the dog rushes up and slurps him, and the cat rubs under the dog's chin.
Now you've got a dog and six cats.
But it could be worse -- they could be children!