In my garage at home I used a small gelled alcohol fuel tin under a wire mesh pot stand to heat 500ml of water in the covered GSI SS cup. This test only brought the water up to "Hot", no matter how long the gelled fuel burnt I could not get it to boil, OK for use with a safe water source. Maybe the larger Sterno cans would do better?

I then tried a liquid fuel "Cat" stove that I had built years ago with instructions from the internet. It is just a small cat food tin with 2 rows of holes punched around the edge with a paper punch. Alcohol is put in the bottom of the tin and lit, the pot sits on top of the can and the flames emerge out of the holes, very simple.

Using 1.5oz of fuel this stove heated 500ml (2 cups) of water to a boil in about 9 minutes with a small amount of fuel left over. It is very light and needs no pot stand but requires fuel to be carried in a seperate bottle and has only one heat setting.

I think this will be my new field coffee making stove.

Comments, experiences and recommendations on these and other stoves are most welcome.

Thanks, Mike