Sue--Diver..i was going to run the can thru one of those sealers i see on the web and Ebay.hand cranked and the sort of thing Blast will use on his #10 that i think about this more i recall going thru the Spam building at the Minnesota State Fair a few years ago and they had,along with flats of Spam,a hand cranked sealer bolted to a table.they sold lots of cute Spam stuff-hats,tee shirts,so it is something that can be done on a small scale.
Diver,the can is like the gas cape,i bought a few of each at a surplus store near Niagara Falls NY where i grew up in the mid 1960.there is/was? a big airbase there and the store was full of great stuff.another item was small cans of pemmican.i thought they would be great for winter camping and when i opened the first one on a Scout trip i was grossed out by the taste,sort of like rancid kidney fat,which was on the list of of the Scout leaders who had been in Korea said that it was great stuff and in the cold you just crave food like that.very few things from those days have made it this far..