i keep trying to find Spam type cans that i can seal,really seal and not tape shut,for my own food items,a mix of good stuff and just not power bars.in the photo below is my old Storm Kit.i carried that for years wrapped in layers of plastic and aluminum foil along with the military food can.

i never opened either one until last summer when i pulled out the few things in the Storm kit for the first time.the cover shows what it's good for,a fire,windbreak and a hot drink.the Spam can of some sort of ration i never got into but the idea of having a can to heat food and drinks in,no matter how simple,seemed to be really necessary.i want a can that will seal so i don't get into it for "snacks" and the shape carries well in a jacket pocket.

here are three other items that went into that kit.a ResQpack,you squeeze it and inflate a small water wings type life jacket.i thought that might be handy for crossing small streams.i know--bad idea.. the foil bag is very old,one of the first made.i never unwrapped that but it's two heavy sheets held together with green tape.last is the Army gas shelter.like the can of rations i could get those at the local surplus store for less than a buck.i had a bunch and used them in Scouts to see how they would work as a rain shelter.the top bit is clear so you can see out but you would not want to spend much time in one as it's like a un-vented trash bag.