( I'm thinking about starting a thread exploring the issue.)

Art , I will be "impatiently" waiting for that thread.

One request there, please.
English is not my mother tongue. So, in that psychological/philospophical thread, please go easy on those complex expressions and deep meanings. Assume that there is a 10 years old boy among the audience. OK ?? thanks

Back to the subject.
What I have learnt from this 2-week experience is that: smaller crises are in fact "good" to boost our preparedness immune system. They test our strong points and expose our weak points.

In fact, it was "good" even in social/family terms since it brought me and the wife closer. She saw how much I would scrifice for her and her family and I noticed how close and appreciative she has become towards me. This is something good in case of SHTF where many relations suffer and may break under stress.