I had a night a couple years back I will never forget:

It was summertime and I was in a friends back yard where he was teaching me graffiti styles spray painting on ply-wood. It was dark in the neighborhood but we had plenty of light in the back yard to paint. After an hour of working a man about 30 years old walked in through the back gate and asked me if I was interested in buying his ball cap. Immediately I was expecting the worst. But as I had no money to spend I let him know there was nothing I could do for him. This didn't stop him from asking me if I wanted to buy his ball and his shoes from him for $5. This conversation started worrying me. He was offering to sell me shoes he had on. I was thinking this guy is nuts but I kept those feelings in. I told him I was seriously broke and had noting to buy it with. So he asked for a smoke and I gave him one. As we lit up I tried to stay calm and not [censored] this guy off and I'm glad I did. As we finished our smokes he started to explain that he had been released from prison 9 hours earlier. And if that wasn't enough he then lifted his shirt to show me what looked like a 9mm pistol in his belt. Not only did he lift his shirt he also drew the weapon to show me. Every cell in my body wanted out of that situation but I refused to panic. I continued in polite conversation making sure to not seem condescending and in a few minutes he thanked me for the smoke and walked out the way he came in and disappeared. It was then that I started shaking and feeling nauseous. I had come through a situation that was life threatening unscathed. I think about that night a lot. I wonder what horrors he may have committed on other people he encountered that night. Did someone tell him to f&@k off or pull out a wad of cash to buy his cap? Since then I make sure I do three things.

1. I never looked lost. Especially when I am.
2. I never look rich. I dress down as much as I can.
3. I let confrontations slip off like water. I don't react violently when verbally assaulted. There are people out there begging for a fight. Don't give them one and they usually move on.

Jeans, tennis shoes, hoodie, back-pack. Walk like you live two doors down. In the city I look like I live here. Nothing to see. People moving fast or looking around a lot attract attention. Aggressive looking people attract attention.

But thats if I'm having to move during the day. If I can help it I'll move at night. Using alleys and city parks. According to the police reports in my city most people are attacked on the sidewalks. A few in their cars. A smaller amount in their homes. I walk home from work after 1am and I almost exclusively use the alleys. The only people I ever encounter are the police. And when they see I.D. me I'm on my merry way.

be good.