ireckon and dweste , your welcome for the quick review. I go with soft cases and anything that I can compact as much as possible. Izzy definitely has a good set up but I'm not into hard cases, the first thing I did with Doug's kit was ditch the tube to make more space and went with a smaller whistle. I try to squeeze everything I can in packs, BOB, etc.. and try to go with the most compression possible with vacuum cotton balls and PJ for fire starters plus wetfire compressed as well. My goal is to make it as small, waterproof and non intrusive as much as possible and even got rid of my thumb drive for a microsd card with the mini usb adapter just to gain space. Kinda of heading toward the minimalist side.

Richlacal, I do not, nor am I affiliated with aquapack, I got tired of putting the disclaimer up every time. I think people know if you work for a company or not, I have a lot of favorite companies I rant all the time about because I really enjoy there product and believe in it to highly recommend like watershed, Busse, western mountaineering, Canadian goose, steripen and fenix to name a few. I don't work for these companies but have bought a lot of things over time from them and use them extensively to recommend to others for items that will last them a long time or make there life easier. I get no kickback or anything nor would I want anything.

As for Doug's kit, It's a very thought out kit, there are items I got rid of off the bat and changed it with things I feel more comfortable with but all in all (except the tin foil) his kit is a very good kit for price and performance. He did a great job of setting a dollar amount to sell it and then building the kit with the best of what he can get to fit in this range and maintain a positive amount of safety and quality.

Sorry about the long can use it as a bed time story for the kids...
Failure is not an option!
USMC Jungle Environmental Survival Training PI 1985